Category Archives: nude

The pleasure of sketching

Little boy

Since I’ve started with drawings and sketchings and cartoons I’ll give you one more: little boy I’ve sketched during the Bromont Art Symposium… Was it 2002? 2003? I don’t remember any more. But I know I did a lot of skethcing then, waiting for a collector to come and buy everything… Usually,  they didn’t bother but I still covered my expenses and leave there with a little profit… Danu, the capitalist… Anyway, recently I’ve seen some sketches by Watteau, this “artiste maudit” avant la lettre, dead at 37, like Rafael, like Modigliani, Van Gogh and others who “kicked the bucket” at this fatidic age… I was impressed by the spontaneity, the vigour and, at the same time, the exquisite delicacy of his drawings. I could only imagine him, drawing. All the pleasure that sketching would have brought in his poor life, all the joy. Painter of the so called “fêtes galantes of the end of the 17th and beginning of the 17th century in France, associated with “joie de vivre” and eroticism, he was quite and auster artist. Delicat, discretely erotic but not at all as Fragonnard or Boucher. I would say I will appreciate him even more for that… and he was a great draftsman, just as good as Bruegel and Rembrandt an Rubens. It is not rare to be able to tell more about an artist looking at his/her drawins. No “comission” for that… Just the artist, unadulterated,  “pure”…

Mixing techniques

Marie lise technique mixtes

I’ve always like to try new things… to mix techniques and try new drawing instruments (for instance, the dry reed is an excellent one, used by Rembrandt, Bruegel and Van Gogh). Practically, with acrylics, and acrylic mediums and pastas you can use almost anything to shape your painting: a comb,  all kind of plastic dinner forks and knifes, knitting needles, your hands and nails, the other side of the brush (the handle) etc. etc. Only your imagination puts a limit to this… The excellent adherence of the acrylic paint – inks included – makes very interesting the combination acrylic base + pastel (oil pastel is preferable because of its better adherence and simplicity – no need to apply a fixer…) This is one of my first experiments in mixing acrylics, watercolor and pastel. Not a masterpiece but it can give you an idea of what I’m talking about… And it will make a contrast with some sad, melodramatic postings I did lately…


Mi-a placut intotdeauna sa experimentez. Sa incerc noi tehnici picturale, noi materiale, noi instrumente de desin…de ex., trestia taiata pe care atat Rembrandt cat si Bruegel si Van Gogh au folosit-o…Practic, odata cu culorile de tip acrilic (inclusiv tusurile, ca si nenumaratele varietatzi de paste si mediumuri acrilice) campul de experiementare a devenit practic nelimitat (doar limitele propriei imaginatzii constinuie “limita”…) Datorita excelentei lor aderentze si a faptului ca potzi modela tabloul tau cu practic aproape orice instrument, de la piepteni la ace de crosetat, etc. o baza ade acrilice poate fi foarte usor si bine “desenata” cu pasteluri (personal le prefer pe cele de ulei – in cazul acesta – fiindca adera mai bine si nu trebuie fixate, ca cel seci…)

Nudul prezent e una din primele mele incercari de “tehnica mixta” . Nu e o capodopera, dar va putetzi face o idee despre ce inseamna “tehnica mixta” acrilice-pastel, cu ceva acuarele in plus…Si face un contrast interesant fatza de unele postari triste si melodramatice pe care le-am facut recent…

Essential loneliness / Singuratate fundamentala


I’ve chosen this drawing to illustrate this title. It’s a couple, they probably make love – or have sex – together. But they are essentialy alone. Same as we are… each and everyone

There will be a lot to say: no, I’m not alone, I have a wife, a lover, children, parents, friends, etc.

The truth is – and it’s sad, very sad (as I am tonight) that we are, finally, alone. No lover, no wife, no children, no friend (and I value friendship a lot) can fill in the emptyness, the essential loneliness we feel sometimes. Happly, it doesn’t happen often. A few minutes, maybe, in a lifetime. If you are moderately smart, you’ll recognise it. If not it will be only a very unpleasent feeling, a strangeness, something you will put aside as quick as you can, trying to forget about it… If not, you will be prone to cleaning rifles accidents, like Hemingway and his father…

Why do we feel it? I don’t know. It could be a negligent word from some of your dear ones, a mean remarks of a person you thought (how stupid can one be?) was a friend, the fact that your child doesn’t have 2 minutes to ask how are you? Or a stranger’s mean look, with no reason that you know (maybe he or she doesn’t like your mug, as simply as that?)

Very few of us will wish to analyse too much this odd, unpleasent, sickening feeling. Neither do I.

But then, maybe I am disturbed?


Am ales desenul acesta al unui cuplu pentru a ilustra titlu de mai sus. Probabil ca cei doi fac dragoste – sau au sex – impreuna dar, in mod esentail, ei sunt singuri. La fel ca fiecare dintre noi. Fara exceptzie.

Vor fi multzi care sa spuna: nu, eu nu sunt singur, am o nevasta, o iubita, copii, parintzi, prieteni, etc. Se poate. Dar adevarul este – si e trist, foarte trist (asa cum sunt eu in seara asta) – ca fiecare suntem, pana la urma, singuri. Nici o iubita, nici o nevasta, nici copiii si nici prietenii (si eu am o idee foarte inalta despre prietenie) pot sa umple golul acele, singuratatea noastra fundamentala pe care o simtzim uneori. din fericire, nu se intampla prea des. cateva minute, poate, intr-o viataza de om. Daca esti destul de destept, vei recunoaste momentul, cand se intampla. Daca nu, va ramana doar ca o senzatzie neplacuta, ca un sentiment bizar, ca ceva ciudat, ceva de care te grabesti sa scapi cat mai repede si incerci sa uitzi… Daca intarzii prea mult s-ar putea sa ai accidente de curatzat pusca, ca Hemingway si tatal sau…

De ce se intampla? Habar n-am de ce. Poate sa fie un cuvant aruncat neglijent de catre cineva iubit. Sau o remarca rautacioasa din partea cuiva pe care (oare cat de prost potzi fi?) l-ai crezut prieten, sau faptul ca copilul tau nu are 2 minute ca sa te intrebe de sanatate… Sau, pur si simplu, o uitatura urata de la un strain sau straina (de ce? cum ai putea stii? poate ca nu le place moaca ta?)

Foarte putzini dintre noi vor vrea sa analizeze pe indelete acest sentiment, bizar, neplacut, care-tzi provoaca greatza. Nici eu nu vreau.

Dar, cine stie? poate ca sunt deranjat?

Disturbing stuff in yellow & orange…

This is for my friend Alfred Faltiska (but not exclusively…)

At my post “Cruelty” he made a comment and it seem that he believes dark, angry, disturbing stuff cannot be made with sunny colors like yellow or  pink… I won’t cite him some Vincent paintings I know – in bright, powerful colors – and which are profoundly disturbing. I’ll just post one of ime – Van Gogh don’t need any publicity any more, eh?

I wouldn’t put any limitation on the colors or techniques able to convey disturbing stuf… You can do angry, dark (metaphorically dark…), disturbing, weird, wild stuff with almost all colors, in almost any technique.

This is just a study of the “Adam” figure for a large composition I plan to paint in an unforseen future…if I will gain the lottery or find a Mecena…

Adam and the snake

One minute drawing

Rapid sketching could be very revealing for an artist, for his “talent”… Bruegel, Rembrandt, Rubens, Delacroix, as well as modern painters like Manet, Degas, Renoir, Pissarro, Van Gogh, Cézanne, Modigliani, Picasso, all did rapid sketches, catching in a blink and in a few fewerishly lines, the essence of a movement or of a move…

Only this enumeration of great names an make me humble. But not that humble… after all, right now, I’m about in the same stage as Vincent Van Gogh coming to Paris: unknown, with still a lot to learn but, however, with some years of hard work and even some good drawings and paintings in my portfolio… I have nothing to lose, except, maybe, the sympathy of some friends who thought I’m modest (which I am and which I am NOT, I cannot really explain…)

So, rapid sketching… There is a “fashion” of the “ateliers d’après modèle vivant” : I don’t know why, exactly, but all do conform to this (in my opinion) stupid rule of the “warming up” poses… the model is tortured for 5-7 minutes in all sort of difficult, artificial postures in the so called “worming up one minute pose”… Rarely, very rarely did I succeed anything else than to waste the paper… I would warm up a lot easier and more gradually doing a 10 minutes pose… But if this is the fashion…well, you have to conform…

This one minute drawing is one of the rare one…one in which I succeeded, I think, to catch “something”… I hope you’ll like it. And when I will gain the lottery I will organize free nude sessions in which the models will pose in natural postures for 10-15 minutes. No fashion. Just beautiful women posing in natural, simple postures…

Marie lise desen

DADA, DAnu, de Chirico and Andre Breton…

I was always fascinated by the quirks and quarks of fate… the way hasard make things happen…

This is a shorted story of my artist name, Danu. In my native language, Romanian, it means YES-NO, sort of Yang-Yin, if you want. My mother-in-law called me that, long time ago, Danu being a diminutive for “Dan”… But this is just the first layer in the cake…

About 6-7 years ago I was browsing on the Internet and I fell over a text of memories from the begining of the DADA mouvement (founded, mainly by a compatriote, Tristan Tzara). I was already calling mysel Ion Vincent Danu, here and there… I was simply shoked reading that in a certain day in February 1916 Tzara and his friends fauded officially the DADA mouvement, at the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich! Because I was born exactly the same day, exactly 40 years later! Some coincidence! DADA (yes-yes in Romanian) and DANU (yes-no) ! It really shocked me to see this “simetry of the fate” (Sting would say: “the secret geometry of chance”…) From that moment on, I started to call myself, sistematically, Ion Danu or Ion Vincent Danu…

Later on, continuing to study the surrealism (which , chronologically and not only, was the NEXT level of the Dada mouvement, a lot of the first DADA members became surrealists – Tzara and André Breton being some of the most importants…) I fall upon this Giorgio de Chirico painting:”Le cerveau de l’enfant” (Child’s brain):

Le cerveau de l’enfant

It’s a painting from 1914 and de Chirico was considered by the surrealists like a sort of “founding father”, just like Lautremont was in the literary side of the mouvement. André Breton bought this painting and had it with him a long, long time, until 1964 when he sold it (for he wasn’t too rich either…) to the Stockholm Museum for 250.000 F.

You can see that the eyes of the mature (almost old “father” character in the painting) are closed. (It seems that only that way the child could look at him…) André Breton made a photographic “interpretation” of his painting and the character in his photo (unfortunalelly I don’t have at hand…) had the eyes OPEN…

I was inspired by all these little quirks and quarks of cultural history and made my own interpretation of it: I figured the old guy as myself (I already have the bladness and the hair on the chest, I only had to change a bit the galic moustache into a greyer barbiche) The main “quirk” was that I open ONE eye and let the other close… and I have written all the DADA – DANU history over the table (and the orange book was intitled DADA-DANU). There are also some other changes that I let you discover… Ingenious, eh… Well, here it is the “old gorilla” in all his splendor:

Dada danu

Wild stuff… fuckée… chestii salbatice…

A few days – or is it weeks? – ago I’ve discovered some drawings I draw in a pretty fucked up period of my life… 2001-2002… I was depressed (and not mildly! REALLY depressed, almost ready  to kill myself or maybe some others… I’m ok now, don’t worry, I am not dangerous anymore…)

I had a big beard, a savage beard, and some prissy old lady would cross over the street, clutching their purses, when they catch a glimpse of me… So, this drawing is quite wild (but this blog isn’t written for nice, prissy, old ladies, eh?)

Mother Earth

I won’t translate this neither in French nor in Romanian. Too damn tired for that… and it’s odd but my feeling is that “wild stuff” is the best aproximative “translation” for this drawing… So enjoy (if you can…)

I join also a “Sinister Self Portrait” to show you what I mean speaking about “savage beard”… In fact, I I would have meet myself on the street, I would have myself cross over…

Sinister self portrait

Toujours Pascin…

Famille de tziganes

Une bonne amie et excellente poète juge et condamne Pascin pour l’immoralité de sa vie et de ses nus…

Je vais essayer de lui montrer qu’elle se trompe et que Pascin n’est en rien inférieur à Modigliani ou à Lautrec… À Modigliani en aucune cas (Modi, d’après les moins complaisants de ses biographes était aussi un drogué et, il semble, pas étranger à des expériences homosexuels…) Donc, du point de vue strictement bourgeois et hypocrit, immoral…
Les portraits de Pascin, ses paysages, ses scènes de genre, ses croquis de voyage (à Cuba ou aux États Unis, surtout dans le sud “profond”) sont des oeuvres d’art d’un style unique, très personnel, merveilleux d’expressivité, de lignes expressifs et des couleurs subtiles, raffinés et rares…

Même la plupart des ses nus n’ont rien de indécent ou “d’immoral”: il aimais sans doutes les femmes, la plupart du temps, et s’il a dessiné des petits modèles se masturbant ou engagé dans des ébats lesbiennes, ces dessins ne forment un part plus importants dans son oeuvre que les dessins sauvagement pornographiques du vieux Picasso ou celles d’autres artistes… On trouve des dessins pareils – seulement beaucoup moins réussies – même dans les manuscrits d’Eminescu…

On doit considérer aussi l’époque: les années folles – le Grand Guerre et les années de débauche presque collective – du moins dans les milieux littéraires et artistique – d’après la guerre…

Un détail: Pascin, né à Vidin, en Bulgarie, a vecu quelques années de son enfance en Roumanie, et une partie de sa famille (son frère, etc.) ont vecu en Roumanie longtemps après… Un dessin de – en toute probabilité – tziganes balkaniques est superbe dans sa concision expressive( voir plus haut). Pour moi le fait que Pascin a été un très grand dessinateur ne fait aucune doute. And it takes one to know one…

P.S. Le fait qu’ Adrian Nastase aime Pascin est tout à son honneur… Il n’a pas des mauvais goûts, lui… et de sa politique je m’en fout pas mal…comme je me fout pas mal de toute politique… Sorry, C!

Voici plusieurs exemples de peintures et dessins de Pascin (il a fait aussi des superbes portraits d’enfants!)

Enfant a poupee

Femme a seins nus

Nus de dos

Pascin et ses modèles

Voici une photo de Pascin et de quelque-unes de ses modèles, dont on ne pourrait pas dire qu’elles sont toutes majeures… Il aimait les surprendre en train de somnoler, ou endormies, avec sa ligne très fine, nerveuse et merveilleusement expressive… Comme Modigliani, Pascin était des fois très généreux, des fois carrément méchant avec ses modèles…

Pascin et ses modèles

Artiste maudit: Pascin

Il y a beaucoup d’ historiens de l’art qui “clorent”  “les années folles” de l’art (et pas seulement) avec la mort de Jules Pascin, en juin 1930…

C’est en lisant une des livres d’Hemingway que je me suis souvenu de son atroce suicide ( il a commencépar essayer le suicide “romain”, en s’ouvrant les veines mais comme ça ne marchait assez vite il s’est pendu “à l’espagnole”, ça veut dire, très bas, du loquet de la porte… tu dois vraiment vouloir mourir pour te tuer comme ça…). Hemingway le décrit plusieurs fois, d’ailleurs, dans ses livres; dans A Moveable Feast, ou il le portraitise dans la manière classique, pour ainsi dire, Pascin, l’homme à femmes, avec deux jeunes modèles (qui retient d’ailleurs beaucoup l’attention de Hemingway) et, la deuxième dois, dans le premier volume d”Iles à la dérive”, ou, dans une discussion de sieste avec ses 3 garçons, il décrit Pascin comme bizarre, genial et …méchant. (Je suppose que le terme anglasi c’est “mean”…)

Aucune idée si Pascin était, vraiment, méchant… J’ai lu à peu près ce que j’ai pu trouver sur lui, j’ai regardé toutes les reproductions que j’ai pu trouver de ses peintures et dessins. Sans doute, il a été (par par ce fait même, IL EST) un très grand dessinateur. Un des artistes qui griffonent tout le temps (son ami Modigliani en était un autre) et dont les moindres lignes ont du caractère et du génie…

Tout comme Modigliani, il aimait les femmes et les femmes l’aimaient… Il était généreux avec son argent (ses Nus commencaient à se vendre pas mal, surtout en Amérique) et il aimais, de même que Modigliani, à faire la fête… A ce que je sais, il n’a pas eu d’expériences homosexuels (comme on a des indices dans le cas de son ami italien) et il a experimenté moins les drogue. L’alcool et les femmes lui était presque suffisantes… je dis presque, sinon il n’aurait pas se suicider à 45-46 ans…

Pourquoi  l-a-t-il faite? Il semble que son amante Lucy Krogh (qui était mariée avec des enfants) s’était faite avorter LEURs enfant, enfant qu’il désirait énormement… Probablement, ce n’était que la dernière goute… sa santé, miné par l’alcool et les excès de toute sorte, était défaillante… il vieillissait mal… Qui peut savoir?

Un chose et sure et certaine: tout comme dans le cas de Vincent Van Gogh, son suicide a enflamait les imaginations, ses funérailles ont été un sorte de dernière manifestation des “années foilles”. Avec lui, une époque finissait: l’époque de hedonisme post Gran Guèrre, l’époque de prosperité à l”américaine et de débauche à la français.

Ce qui est une façon paradoxale de décrire la celèbre “l’école de Paris”, ou la plupart des membres étaient des “météques” (juifs de divers provenances, comme Pascin et Modigliani, Soutine et Kisling, espagnols comme Picasso, etc. etc.)

Pour les amateurs de morbide, voilà une photo de Lucy Krogh et de l’inscription que Pascin a écrit avec son sang… 

Lucy Krogh et les derniers mots de Pascin


Marie Lise 12 - variante brute

Just one of the nudes I was drawing (or painting? I was never sure… do you draw also when you paint? do you paint also when you draw? ) today… I’ll start posting on this blog my works, more images and less words (even if I won’t hesitate to use words if I’ll have the impulse to do it – and somthing to say…) since a new friend says it’s better like this…


Pas plus qu’un de mes nus que j’ai dessiné (ou peint? je ne suis pas encore capable de dire si je peins aussi quand je dessine? ou si je dessine aussi quand je peins?) aujourd’hui… Je vais commencer a poster sur ce blog aussi mes oeuvre, plus d’images et moins de mots (même si je ne vais pas me priver de dire ce que j’ai a dire – si j’en ai quelque chose – avec des mots) … Une nouvelle amie m’a dit que c’est mieux comme ça, avoir mes oeuvres sur WordPress….


Doar unul din nudurile pe care le-am desenat (sau pictat? n-am fost înca in stare sa stabilesc daca atunci când desenez si pictez? sau daca atunci când pictez si desenez?) astazi… Voi posta de acum mai multe din lucrarile mele si pe acest blog – mai multe imagini si mai putine cuvinte (cu toate ca n-am sa ma privez sa spun ce am de spus – când voi avea ceva de spus…) fiindca acesta e sfatul unei noi priete care pare sa stie ce vorbeste…