Le paradoxe Nietzsche – intro

J’ai terminé à lire, il y a quelques jours, “Le Crépuscule des idoles”. C’est la première livre de Nietzsche que j’ai lu depuis la première jusqu’à la dernière page… Évidement, ça ne me fait pas un expert en Nietzsche… Mais il y a dans ce livre (et je crois que ce n’est pas le seul…) un paradoxe qui m’intrigue. Et je travaille à un petit essai sur le sujet… Comme je ne l’ai pas terminé encore je vais vous donner seulement ma première impression (et pour l’illustrer, la dernière variante, finale, de ma peinture “Le cinquième journée de la Création”…)

Quand tu lis un livre de Nietzsche c’est un peu comme si tu regarde certains films de David Lynch; tu te dis: celui-ci c’est soit un génie, soit un lunatique. Ou les deux. Plus probablement, les deux…

Cinqueme journee de la creation

5 responses to “Le paradoxe Nietzsche – intro

  1. Reading much lately about Nietzsche because he seems to be around me much these days. I never ask why.
    You and I are much alike in interests Danu and I find fascinating people intriguing and always want to know more.
    I guess sub consciously I am building characters for my novels. Perhaps not.
    Always inspired when I visit you.

  2. Thanks, Michael. Nietzsche is a fascinating character, no doubt and I think you find Zweig’s biography (in fact, he wrote a threasome called Le combat avec le démon (Kleist – Holderlin – Nietzsche) also very interesting, if you don’t know it already…I won’t mind being a fictional character, you know…maybe you’ll become famous and then I’ll become famous… If you have question, just ask…

  3. Hi Danu, just dropped in to tell you Ive composed a Christmas song for all our friends on Cafe Crem, Ive just posted it…but was drawn to this great painting, it has something of the wonder of the one you posted for the Christmas competition. I do like this style from you.

  4. Thanks, Kev. You are too kind. I’ll go see (hear?) your song as soon as I can…

  5. By the way, Kev, you are very observant! I’ve modified this painting (the sky was pitch blue dark) after the experience I had with the stars in the Christmas cards! Now I’m more happy with the painting which is more rich, more complex…

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