Excerpts cocktail…


The fate manifest itself often by chance. Or maybe chance, hasard IS fate? I don’t really know (and I don’t insist; it gets me misty, to cite Mel Gibson in Payback…) and now that I cited Mel Gibson, I will offer you a feast, intelectual feast… here are some famous and less famous citations from Nietzsche (he’s getting often in my way, I don’t know why?) and John Steinbeck (a writer I admire and enjoy). To accompany the word feast I’ve chosen a semi-abstract painting I did back in 2003-2004 I hope you’ll like both…

” It isn’t true that there’s a community of light, a bonfire of the world. Everyone carries his own, his lonely own.”
p. 281, John Steinbeck, The Winter of our discontent

“Voilà un artiste comme je les aime:modeste dans ses besoins. Il ne demande, au fond, que deux choses, son pain et son art…Panem et circen…”
p. 12, Nietzsche, Crépuscule des idoles

“Appris à l’École de Guerre de la vie:ce qui ne me tue pas me fortie.”
p.12, Nietzsche, Crépuscule des idoles

“What a frightening thing is the human, a mass of gauges and dials and registers, and we can read only a few and those perhaps not accurately.”
p. 82, John Steinbeck, The Winter of our discontent

“The things we couldn’t explain went right on but surely not with our blessing. We did not see what we couldn’t explain, and meanwhile a great part of the world was abandoned to children, insane people, fools, and mystics, who were more interested in what is than in why is it. So many old and lovely things are stored in the world’s attic, because we don’t want them around us and we don’t dare throw them out.”
John Steinbeck, The Winter of our discontent

“Je me méfie de tous faiseurs de systèmes et m’écarte de leur chemin. L’esprit de système est un manque de probité.” p. 15, Nietzsche, Crépuscule des idoles.

11 responses to “Excerpts cocktail…

  1. Really entertained today here and I have read Steinbeck and Nietzsche. The whole thing is eventually one reaches the point where they write their own quotes and this is one is truly free. I mean this in a good way Danu and you my friend are on the right path for you. I sense great things happening for you too. Just remember that its not what you say or do that matters; its the hint of what is going on inside.

  2. I certainly hope you are right, Michael (for me Michael, as a name is a good “omen”; sometimes I’m superstitious, a bit… I have another friend Michael, and in Romania I had 2-3 – Mihai is the Romanian version…) and I hope good things happen for you too… You work and you work some more and finally all this gave you something good…

  3. The quotes are mostly moralinas. Isn’t it strange the way moralinas become popular as quotes. And then how the same people who would readily quote Shakespeare’s “there is neither good nor bad, but thinking makes it so”……. those very same people quote moralinas to each other and, ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡fasten your seatbelt!!!!!!!!!! to themselves!

    Wow. It leaves me k.o.

  4. That Nietzsche quote about what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger is clearly not true. That’s just peptalk for warriors. Each one of the blows life gives you leaves you worse off, undermines your will to live. Hemingway never did recover from those two plane wrecks.
    Spanish foreign legionnaires used to shout, as they charged into battle: “Long Live Death!” Very good.

  5. That Nietzsche fellow was quite something! I already told you that, citing Zweig’s biography of him… He suffered of all ilnesses and took so many medicines it really could have killed him and if you contrast his real life with his creative life it gives you a total mess… But there are some who took him very seriously – unfortunately – and there also in his works real sparks of genius. But G. an A. you are correct: not the famous “moralinas” with what doesn’t kill you… That’s mostly a kind of masochistical auto encouragement… Viva el Muerte sounds even better in Spanish…

  6. really good painting

  7. Thanks, Ryan. Glad you like it.

  8. Personally I think this is a tremendous drawing, oscillating as a cascade punctuated by strange awareness of metaphysical diversity, but then it is all the same just one. Just when you think you got the idea, the mystery involved in the tessillation of fear and wonder seems to flow over and out like honey from a jar, ( though not from a honeycomb), and yet there is nothing sweet about the composition. Isn’t that remarkable, not just about art, but about life’s contradictions in general?

    It is for the onlooker to decide.

  9. Hey, naynay! (Hi wasn’t a good rhyme to it)…

    When I did this (or more precisely when I finished it, because at first it was just a mass of different colors pelle-melle) I was almost in a sort of transe, I think… If you look in the left upper corner I’ve signed there so, the image is (was) upside down… but I look at it and it seemed to me better this way… I don’t know why, really, fangs and eyes and monsters seems to populate my small world… But I agree, this is not a bad drawing=painting…

  10. “somnul ratiunii…”

  11. Nu stiu, efectiv, daca e somnul ratizunii care naste monstrii, Ovidiu… Poate ca tocmai luciditatea ne face sa-i vedem? Cred ca sloganul lui /goya prea e luat ca de la sine înțeles…

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