The Sting

the Sting

No, it’s not about the famous Robert Redford-Paul Newman movie… It’s about one of my paintings. I cannot call it abstract (so many diletante-s call “abstract” their works! even if there is almost nothing abstract to it… just look on ebay – if you are really bored and have a lot to time to loose…) because it isn’t…

Non-figurative? Well, if you consider “figurative” only human figures, yes, you can call it like that… But it figures something, no less… Insects, weird insects (but aren’t all insects kind of weird to us, humans? I suppose we are also weird – and scary – to them…), or something like that… I don’t know what’s the freudian significance of all the insects and snakes and other animals I need to draw and paint… and I don’t care much… Take your guess…


Non, je ne parle pas du film avec Robert Redford and Paul Newman… Je parle d’une de mes peintures. Ce n’est pas une peinture “abstraite” ( il y a tellement des dilletants qui appellent “abstraits” leurs peintures qui n’ont vraiment rien d’abstrait… si vous êtes très, trèeees ennuyé/e et vous avez beaucoup de temps a perdre vous pouvez toujours aller voir sur ebay…) parce qu’il n’est pas “abstraite”…

Non-figurative? Peut-être, si vous considerer “figure” exclusivement les figures humains… Il y a certainement des “figures” la-bàs…des insectes, des insectes bizarres (mais ne sont-ils tous les insectes bizarres? et nous, les humains, très bizarres et effrayants – pour eux?) Aucune idée qu’elle sera l’intérpretation freudiene des insectes, serpents et autre animaux que je sent l’impulsion de dessiner et de peindre… Et je m’en fiche pas mal…

Essayez vous dans la psychanalise, si vous voulez…

10 responses to “The Sting

  1. Pas de psychanalyse par moi, de moi et pour moi! It is something which bores me to death, there is too much wild guess in it, and no chance of a proof. It might be funny or even scary, but not really informative. And it reminds me too much of religion and indoctrination.
    Anyway, i guess you are a very complex person, so one statement and its contrary about you could be true at the same time…
    I quite like your painting, Danu, what a pitty that you put it as a thumbnail there, it loses a lot, and I was temptred not to press on it. I´m glad I did!
    Lot of humour, lot of funny creatures, very personal style and technics, and beautiful colours. I just wouldn´t have parted the room with the yellow bar at the bottom. Is it meant to be a table? The colour itself is beautiful and complementing nicely with the blue , but the separation is too strong for me, too concrete.

  2. …”too much wild guess in it”! exactly my feeling…

    I put it as a thumbnail, following the suggestions (contrary to my gut instinct…) of a very intelligent friend (also from Spain) who thinks that big images kind of impose on you, as a viewer… But I think I’ll will follow my gut feeling – even it could wrong, it’s mine… You could be right about the yellow orange horizon… Maybe’s too strong… But, as a complex person (you should see my children! they seem even more complex than myself! I cannot get them…) I don,t make the best of decisions at all time… In fact, regarding some old paintings or drawing – or even relatively recent ones – I say to myself: Is it me who did that? sometimes I paint in a kind of bliss – not often but it happens – and not very very conscient… But, I supppose, you already know the feeling from your own creative work…

  3. Yes, follow YOUR instinct! It is the only thing we have which is really ours, the rest having been formed, modelled, educated, twisted, detorsed, etc by education and society.
    I think in this case you should impose the picture, becaue it is what you want people to see, isn´t ? Or are here the words more important? My God, if people don´t want to be imposed by our paintings, then we should give painting up, I think, and they should read the entries from the “writing” cathegory!
    Anyway, as thumbnail this picture loses very very much, because it loses excatly what makes its originality… it loses you!
    Firends or not, Danu, I think that if we start listening to them instead of our instinct, then we have lost our artist soul…
    And yes, I know the feeling you are speaking about… I have it most of the time in fromt of my own paintings!

  4. I think my friend A. and I have different ideas concerning the aim, the “why” of our blogs… She tries to understand how the mind of our readers (mostly hasard readers…) works and to use this knowledge in order to maximize the no. of hits…

    Myself, even if I’m glad to have a lot of readers and hits I don’t really care. These blogs are for me, the skeptic old artist, like some bottles in the ocean… They have a message inside, maybe somebody will read that message but the chances that I will be “rescued” from my island are minimal… Just like the chances to gain the lottery!

    And there are, sometimes, problems with uploading the whole image (the software will cut it if it’s too large) and you’ll have to work more…

  5. Wonderfully said… sad, but wonderful!
    And there would be a lot to say about the aim of the blog, and the hits… another day perhaps, it just goes too far…

    Danu, you told me you have a mac. I had a lot of work with putting the big images, because of the problem you say, as I was using my usual browser Safari. One week ago I discovered that the Browser Firefox works fantastic with WordPress, you can load the big image in the entry, then reduce or enlarge it within the entry exactly as you need. I hope this helps…

  6. But the point is not to get the largest numbers of hits. The point is to get through to some of them.

    1) Most people can read. Few can look at pictures.

    2) You can have a thumbnail of a picture but not of a text

    3) G’s stats: people never look at a picture. Contrary to my predictions, they will read a mile of text.

  7. Probably you’re right againA! Even if I don’t know how – other than by the comments you receive – you can tell if something “get through”…

    I suppose my aim will be the same as yours – to get through – but some paintings, some images, not necessarily the text…since “mon fort” aren’t words but images. At least, I hope so…

  8. It is may be about 50 – 50.

    Anyway, now I thought of a new formula:

    It is not by WRITING IN BIG LETTERS THAT meaning becomes clearer.

    This is a bit of sophistry; that is, the parallels are likely to meet right here and now, instead of meeting, as parallels should, somewhere way out there in eternity.


  9. Today, after a few days of adrenaline and anguish, I think I’m not so smart… I don’t see… sorry.

  10. dara danu sunt prea obosita sa citesc ce ai scris tu aici despre tabloul atat de celebru si de invocat in istoria surealismului. ceea ce as vrea sa-ti spun este ca daca nu i-ai aratat pictura DADA, DANU lui Adrian, TREBUIE SA O FACI. Va fi una din favoritele sale.
    Mai vb.

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